"This year’s KCN seeks to bring awareness about issues such as mental health, bullying, and sexual assault that are buried and covered up more often than not in Korea’s high pressure society. These issues are not only masked by those in power but by average citizens that try to make Korean society look perfect on the outside rather than focusing on and addressing these underlying issues. The lack of attention to such issues may contribute to South Korea’s high rates of alcoholism and suicide even as a first world country." - UCLA KCN 2018
Designs executed by Stephen Heo and Yoon Park.

Social media banner and official logo treatment for KCN 2018

Pink and blue background treatment concept, unused

11' x 17' printed flyers distributed throughout Koreatown, LA listed with all campus and company sponsors

Final ticket designs and 1/4 letter sized distributed flyers

Alternate and unused explored color combinations for ticketing